Photo of Gustavo Millan Venezuela

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Gustavo Millan

Born in Caracas Venezuela on September 6, 1962.

From an early age a child was very curious about the picture, his interest in art comes from the influence of his uncle the painter José Requena, a leading landscape painter and figurative.

Gustavo Millan, begins in technical drawing and studied interior design and decoration in his hometown.

In the early 80's will live in the...

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Photo of Gustavo Millan Venezuela

Gustavo Millan

Born in Caracas Venezuela on September 6, 1962.

From an early age a child was very curious about the picture, his interest in art comes from the influence of his uncle the painter José Requena, a leading landscape painter and figurative.

Gustavo Millan, begins in technical drawing and studied interior design and decoration in his hometown.

In the early 80's will live in the city of Maracay in Aragua State. They performed their training

artistic art school Rafael Monasteries. Upon completion of these studies back to Caracas and enters

art school Cristobal Rojas, complementing their training in painting, sculpture and casting

Bronze lost wax. Reaching the title in the specialization of Pure Art.

A had for some years teaching experience in various state institutions, private and personal.

Enter contests and national art exhibits like the Hall Aragua, Competition Tito Salas, Arturo Hall

Michelena, Bienal de Puerto La Cruz, Luisa graphic thumbnails Biennial Palacios (HAART) among others.

A part in a variety of different exhibitions to participate in painting, sculpture and printmaking.

A done some solo shows. As also conducted and participated in different projects such

monumental national and international, private and governmental.

In 2003 he was selected for the Pan American Graphic Artists Program (AGPA) and becomes a member of

Associate Graphic Artists Workshop "Luisa Palacios (HAART).

Currently residing in Madrid Spain. Where made different courses and art studios.

Has a workshop where you run and develop their work.

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